My company pays me well, but I hate my job and I want to quit. I am dealing with co-workers that are awful. I am frustrated because I feel that... Explore
Job Fit
Hiring the right caliber is not the only key to having a successful business. Most qualified employees find themselves lost in their current positions due to thinking that it holds no future for them. Building a successful career requires placing employees in their dream job. A “dream job” is where an employee best fits and performs. At TAQYIM, we believe we have the “know how”. Statistics show that top employees are working out so well because of the following key elements; their personality types, character and talent traits. They appear to have what it takes to do the job and to work comfortably under their employer’s management style. An impossible mission you might think! Well, fortunately, it is possible if you decided on implementing the best practices formulated and introduced by TAQYIM. During the past few years, we have always been leaders in introducing methodologies in creating “Job Fit” benchmarking. It is done by measuring the employee’s personality profile against a pre-set criteria based on several factors; onsite inspection, interviews, job descriptions and analyzing top performers profiles. HR managers and decision makers are fully aware that different positions require personality types and different levels and degrees of competencies. Top sales people for example, outshine their colleagues when they have a high degree of assertiveness, persuasiveness and goal setting capabilities. Successful accountants on the other hand have proven to be very detailed and have score in the upper ranges in their analytical, patience and time management levels.
Understanding the former made it easier for us to apply it in practice. Our approach in creating “Job Fits” require clients to fill in a simple questionnaire that help us:
A percentage score is automatically generated indicating the employee fit for the selected position through numerous scientifically developed calculations. Individuals who score higher than 80% will excel in their positions and provide their management with an unbiased prediction on their job performance. To request a job fit questionnaire, please fill in this form. |
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