TAQYIM is the leading supplier and developer of assessment solutions in the Middle East and North Africa since 1999, providing both psychometric and skill assessments. We offer a fully comprehensive Arabized testing and reporting web- based assessment tool which is cost effective, time efficient and provides actionable, accurate and reliable reports that allow our clients to effectively hire and develop their employees.
TestDirect 4.0 is a state-of-the art all inclusive package assessments library which deliver a combination of bilingual performance and knowledge-based assessments, to measure the core critical skills and knowledge required to perform specific jobs.
Today, TAQYIM provides hundreds of clients within private and public sectors with assessment solutions.
Arabized Testing
Operating as the leading provider of assessment solutions in the MENA region, TAQYIM acknowledges that the majority of our clients hires are native Arabs, which triggered the need to enhance our assessments and develop an Arabic translation of our test library and the report generation.
A translation division with professional and experienced translators was founded to evaluate the existing version of the translation and to enhance it using a “Dynamic Translation” methodology, whereby meaningful rather than literal translations were produced that were equivalent to the original documents.
This project was executed over two years. Today, TAQYIM proudly promotes a fully Arabized assessment solution system that surpasses the other tools in the market that employ a literal translation methodology.
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